In an extraordinary turn of events, a daily player from Macomb County, Michigan clinched a record-breaking jackpot in the Fantasy 5 game, pocketing a whopping $963,040. This monumental win, stemming from the June 26 draw, marks the largest payout in the history of Michigan’s Fantasy 5.
The 56-year-old winner, who has chosen to stay anonymous, purchased the lucky ticket at Smoker’s Express in New Baltimore. The realization of his win came while he was at work, upon learning that a major jackpot had been claimed. “I immediately checked where the ticket was sold and couldn’t believe it was from my regular store,” he recounted. His discovery was later confirmed in a joyous moment with his wife, revealing they were the actual winners.
With the newfound fortune, the winner has big plans: purchasing a new vehicle, a new home, and a cottage, turning this windfall into a life-changing event.